Bringing Souls to Christ in Bixby "The Garden Spot of Oklahoma"

Praise be to God

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Harvesting in a Frozen Garden Spot

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful."

As I write this, our local weather in Bixby is about to turn frightful. The weathermen are saying our temperatures will soon plummet into the sub-zero range. With a gusty wind expected, wind chill factors may reach toward (-40). We are being warned that such temperatures can cause frostbite in a matter of 10 minutes to uncovered skin. There is no doubt a warm fireplace will be a beautiful sight for many during the next few days. Warm meals, such as chili & soup, will be filling bellies all around. Hot drinks, such as coffee, cocoa, and cider, are sure to be favorites. Isn't it true that we often are able to have great delight in times that would seem to bring fright?

Imagine though if you were without shelter. Imagine being homeless and improperly clothed, without a warm meal or drink to fill your belly. Imagine the feeling of the cold coming upon you, and taking your last breaths away. How special would an act of kindness toward you be during such a frightful time?

At the end of Acts 27 Paul, as a prisoner being transported to Rome, suffers shipwreck and swims for his life. After all who were on the ship make it safely to the island of Malta we read, "The native people showed us unusual kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed us all, because it had begun to rain and was cold" Acts 28:2 (ESV). This kindness was unusual. It was extraordinary.

Whether people are physically suffering from the cold, or whether they are suffering from living in a spiritually cold world, shouldn't we open our eyes to the opportunities presented for us to show unusual and extraordinary kindness to people in frightful conditions? Shouldn't we kindle the fire of Jesus Christ that is so delightful? Jesus taught his followers to love their neighbors as themselves (Mt. 22:39). Here it seems we can follow the lead of the natives of Malta.

Will you find opportunities to Harvest in a Frozen Garden Spot?



  2. Great looking blog man! Look forward to stopping by from time to time!
    Robert Prater

  3. Thanks for the early encouragement from both of you.

  4. Good message. Challenging but necessary. God bless!

  5. Hey Grant! Great message! This is something everyone needs to remember on an everyday basis. No matter the level of learning we are at, the strength of our personal relationship with God is, or the spiritual blessings we have received, we MUST give; and give BIG! Give Blessings, Get Blessings to give blessings, Give even more blessings, start getting all kinds of blessings, give even more kinds of blessings... Yeah it's a great ongoing circle. Luke 6:38 I love the Amplified Version on this one. ;{)>

  6. Neil,

    Thanks for the comment. It is so true that we are blessed so that we can in turn bless. Now if we could only challenge ourselves not to bless so that we will be blessed, but bless so that we will be blessed so that we will have opportunity bless others again.

    In other words, the challenge is not to do something so that we will gain from it, but do something so that God will be glorified.

    Great comment about the "ongoing circle"

    Love it!
