Bringing Souls to Christ in Bixby "The Garden Spot of Oklahoma"

Praise be to God

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Word

This may seem bold. It may upset a few preachers. I even admit it may be somewhat unfair. This is not well thought out. It is probably full of holes. Naysayers, may wish to pick it apart. Yet, I feel a burden to express an issue on my heart, because I fear in the past I have been the chief "sinner" of this problem. I cannot count the number of times I have heard sermons and lessons on the importance of the Word of God. Yet, what troubles me is the lack of public reading of that very Word within some elements of Christianity. I see short scripture readings in church services as though 3-4 verses will be all the flock can stomach to chew upon. Some well known preachers are marvelous motivators, but the soul can starve to death on the amount of heavenly bread served in their sermons. Other sermons are filled with zip code preaching (you must do this or that, Book/chapter/verse, BCV, BCV), where the scriptures are alluded to but never actually quoted and studied within their context. What is amazing is that the very ones who think others are not preaching the Word are not really preaching much of it themselves. I am thankful to be around a mentor (Milton) that engages the scriptures. I am thankful for recent friends like bro. Spring who has taught me the power of reading long passages of God's word. So I wonder, what would happen if we read entire chapters, even entire books each Sunday? What if our teaching was more expository and inductive in nature? What if we actually preached the Word instead of just talking about doing so? What if? If Only...

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